Thursday, February 13, 2025

 For Biotech jobs 這篇文章可以參考 比較美國與加拿大 Biotech 職缺數量差多少!

"Yup!!! That is EXACTLY the sole reason that I’ve only been applying to US jobs! I’m glad and thankful that I get interviews, so I’m hoping to land one soon. There will be like 300 job postings available all across the US and then there will be like two job postings in Canada and I’ll be like one in Vancouver and one in Toronto… It’s just so insane. Also the pay discrepancy between Canada and the US for the same job title… Is also insane. We can make 2 to 3 times more in the US? And in USD? It’s just so ridiculous that there’s been a severe lack of biotech jobs in Canada in the last 10-15 years (can’t speak for before that since I wasn’t working then)."

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 昨天講到過去二十年 ,那篇三立新聞報導,台灣人根本不移民。最近台灣人要移民加拿大的熱潮是四年前疫情之後才發生的。  其實過去20多年, 不只是沒有台灣人要移民, 也沒有台灣人要留學。造成台灣的許多大學沒有海外歸國留學博士教授新血的補充。國外大學也少了許多台灣留學生。看看這篇 2...