Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 另外一篇 email headhunter 告訴我如何準備 interview . 可以參考


Your phone interview is scheduled for Thursday 8/2/18 @ 6:00pm EST. XXXXX will be calling you at the number you provided: 954-655-XXXX.  I have attached your resume and the job description for your reference.  Please note – sometimes his previous calls run long and push the times late.  So if you haven’t received a call at as planned – let me know but stay by your phone.

What: Phone Interview. Manager will call you 954-655-XXXX.

When: Thursday 8/2/18 @ 6:00pm EST.

During your call:

Please make sure to have a copy of your resume in front of you …sometimes people forget details from their past, this often helps. Please also speak slowly during the interview. I would also make sure you have something to drink (non-carbonated) on hand in case it is needed. Prior to your interview, look at their website and do as much research on them and their client base as possible for your call. Look up the interviewer on LinkedIn too!

Should you have any questions prior to your phone interview, let me know and I will try to get your answers. If you have something come up and are no longer available for the call and need to cancel or reschedule, please let me know as soon as possible so I can assist with the matter. And if for some reason you encounter technical difficulties with the phone call line, please let me know immediately. I would probably wait 5-10 minutes just in case they are running a little late – but definitely let me know ASAP.

If you are convinced that you can do the work and excited to do it…convince them that you can:

Give specific examples of what you have accomplished, how you accomplished it and the benefits that resulted (be very specific and talk about your role in the solution)

Stress your overall technical aptitude (give specific examples of when you have acclimated to tech/environment/deadlines, your role and the results)

Address your ability to embrace new tech/come up to speed on tools that you have not used for a while (be specific in your efforts and the results)

Engage and understand your audience…ask direct, short, pointed questions to allow you to present your skills that are most relevant to their current pain points/initiatives

Remember to stress the type of individual you are and the overall value that can bring to the team (willing/dedicated/committed/strong work ethic/leadership qualities/values/inter-personal skills Etc.)

Tell them why they should hire you…strong technologist, great team player, take on additional responsibility without being asked, always deliver on time, willingness to do whatever it takes, Etc.)

If you are excited about the opportunity, tell them that you are (hiring managers want people enthusiastic about the opportunity)

Tell them what your references will say about you if they talk with them (it is good to sell here as you are not promoting yourself exactly, only saying what others would say…)

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