Monday, September 12, 2022

 上個禮拜在我的部門會議聽到我的老闆在會議上提到他的看法關於 “between certificate and experience “ (he has 60 people report to him) 他講的很有技巧 也有一些但書 他一天到晚在interview 別人 。他認為經驗比certification 重要 ,特別是沒有經驗的certification 用處不是那麼大。 我們公司需要每個人去取得certification 主要是要告訴客戶用來搶訂單。但是我們天天已經在做這些事情 我們已經有這些技能 . 所以對於求職者應該知道的是。hiring manger 更care 的是相關經驗而不是certification 。

#experice #certificate #加拿大 #job

 我們職涯協會成立快半年了我們輔導了大約50人我也要在此提供我的個人看法 提供在加拿大求職的兩個建議 1. 如果您是來加拿大的college or university 求學後畢業出來找工作 切記求學時期一定要 去coop or intern 這個工作經驗對你畢業之後求職非常重要。這個coop 一定要跟你的專業有關 實習時公司越大越有名更好 最好 coop 的公司直接告訴你畢業後回來我們公司工作我們雇用你。或者你表現優異你的老闆願意成為你將來求職的 reference. 這樣就能夠破除 這個死結 —employer 要雇用有經驗的人 那沒有公司願意雇用我 我那來的經驗?

2. 如果你在台灣工作了 3-10年來這裡求職 你的專長這裡有需求 那理論上 你應該可以找到工作 因為加拿大雇主願意考慮你的經驗 。但是我們發現往往最大的障礙通常是英文  。如果你無法跟老闆 同事 顧客溝通無礙 那他們為什麼要雇用一個溝通困難重重的employee?

我們有一位很有經驗的僑領甚至建議 新來加拿大要求職的台灣青年通通應該先去 Sudbury 住三個月 因為你沒有機會說中文 只能說英文 這樣英文不進步也難。對長遠職涯發展更有幫助!當然許多求職技巧 ,resume 好壞也很重要 但是核心問題與決定性的關鍵根本就是英文溝通能力! 英文能力決定你的未來前途!

 雖然最近幾個月美國不斷傳出許多公司裁員的消息 但是加拿大似乎裁員不多 情況似乎好的多 但是這只是表面的。 我因為工作上必須協助 不同的accounts presale sizing 了解許多公司的outsourced 訂單一直增加 、所以就問老闆是否可以推薦朋友來申請工作 ?因為我相信我們缺很多人 。結果答覆出乎我意料之外 我被告知 公司已經  frozen hiring globally. 這是一個十萬人的公司 雇用凍結一下子就會少幾千個職缺。 所以現階段 乍看之下很多職缺在市場上但是因為很多公司已經凍結雇用 、所以如果求職時很多公司沒有回應 不要氣餒 Full time employee 職缺沒有了 會有很多contract job 來因應暫時的需要 所以contract jobs 也應該考慮 要有彈性 才能找到工作!

 我想你們應該聽說過 加拿大幾乎各行各業都需要執照 。這樣才能規範服務標準提供基本一定的水準 。而且這些執照都不是政府制定標準而是各個行業公會「自律」公會發照 嚴格要求一定的技術與倫理規範包括 「除牌」的權限。

所以移民要找工作最重要的是取得執照 不管是 直接承認外國執照 或者重新實習 或者需要回學校重新學習考照。 基本上移民要成功融入加拿大社會就是自己的外國專業執照被承認! 這是第一步。畢竟如果在這裡沒有收入是無法持久的。

 job related social media and web sites!

除了一般人熟知的 indeed, linkedin, careerbuilder, monster 等等網站之外。還有一些其他管道也能找到工作職缺刊登。

1. social media like meetup, facebook, quora, reddit, slack 等等 social media.

2. 地區性而不是跨國的廣告media 例如 Kijiji, craig list, 等等。

3. 專業user group 例如, java users group, sql user group, etc., 看看你要找的是哪一種專長專長。

4. 專業公會雜誌 例如 會計師 藥劑師 裝修 建築 土木 , morgtage agent, insurance agent 等等專業公會的雜誌與網站。

方法是人想出來的 運用你的聯想力 把兩個不相干的東西串起來就有火花!

 今天要說明一下加拿大的經濟重心是在 Windsor to Quebec corridor. Ontario and Quebec. (Windsor, London, Woodstock, Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto, Peterborough, Belleville, Kingston, Cornwall, Ottawa, Montreal, Sherbrooke, Trois Rivieres, Quebec city.) 這一條 1200 公里長的走廊有加拿大 60%人口與加拿大70% 的 GDP. 這條走廊 500 to 1000 miles 距離內有美國 50%的人口 1.5億人。美國東北經濟走廊(波士頓, 紐約,費城,巴爾的摩 到Washington DC) 與大湖週邊大城市群(芝加哥, 底特律 ,Minneapolis-St. Paul, 克里夫蘭,匹茲堡,辛辛那提,Milwaukee, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Columbus 等)都在一天的車程內。 這條走廊是加拿大的經濟重心也才是求職機會最多的地方。 Canada center of gravity for economical and business. - Windsor to Quebec corridor which has 60% of population and 70% of GDP. 19M population. megalopolis - Wikipedia Lakes megalopolis - Wikipedia

 在加拿大其實是行行出狀元 很多行業都需要執照才能就業或營業 有一定程度的進入障礙 entry barrier 所以阻止了大量競爭者湧入 平衡行業從業人員數量的供需。白領藍領 一樣受到尊重 因為藍領收入並不輸白領。 很多藍領階級是 自僱 self employee 許多開銷能夠抵稅 比起白領是薪水無法扣抵許多費用 造成稅後收入差不多。

以下是一些常見的藍領工作 都受到規格 需要執照。有很多藍領工作有工會來議價 所以薪資居高不下 也有許多福利。

plumber 水管工

Electrician 電匠

HVAC 冷熱空調

Roofer 屋頂

Truck driver 卡車司機

welder 電銲工

automotivr mechanic 修車技工

telecommunication technician 電信技工

aircraft mechanic 飛機技工


 今天聽到一個故事 這是英語用詞的錯誤,並且有東西文化因素在裡面 。因為我們通常習慣說「是」。

我家人的一個加拿大朋友是 ESL 老師是洋人。她說她發現韓國人有一個問題 韓國人聽完話後喜歡說 yes, 然後又說no 。 她一直覺得 confusion. 她後來才搞懂 韓國人第一個yes 意思是 「我聽到了 」下一個 no 「是他搞懂了 才說不行 」所以這是 yes 的誤用 。yes 跟ok 一樣 不要濫用 、我發現台灣人也有類似問題。 如果話沒有聽完 需要思考 不要隨便說 ok 或 yes. 這樣會使洋人無所是從 他們會搞混 會開始討厭你。只要說 “let me think about it “就好 不要說 yes 或 ok.

請戒掉 隨口說 yes 跟 ok 的習慣! 就跟 sorry 不可以亂說一樣 。 accident 之後說 sorry 等於是自己認罪一樣。沒有 fault 也有 fault.

 看了這部MTV 銀行內的槍戰後讓我想到幾年前在 美國的 Wells Fargo bank 與 Bank of America 及美國聯邦衛生部外包商 相關雇主 工作時開始第ㄧ個禮拜時需要先上個許多線上課程通過測試合格 才能開始上班。 課程包括 上班的辦公室發生「槍戰時、恐怖襲擊、」火警等等緊急狀況如何應對與求生存。還有反洗錢、恐怖國家清單、網路安全各種伎倆、辦公室職業傷害 等等。

也曾經在地方政府醫院與許多護士 醫生 治療師 技師 一起受訓 如何正確處理醫院內標準程序 因為一旦沒有遵守 病人就可能過世。 例如照 CT MRI 之前需要打顯影劑 有些病人對顯影劑過敏 所以一定要先測試病人是否會過敏。 有些技師沒有先測試過敏 病人就過世了。 護士要給病人吃藥 發現可能劑量單位出錯 打電話給藥劑師 藥劑師正在忙碌沒有接 留話 護士就先給藥 等到藥劑師回電時 病人已經死了 這些都是需要非常嚴格遵守的標準程序。這些也都是非常重要的職前訓練。

Phone Interview Preparation

From: Your Recruiter

Be Prepared:

• Make sure you are in a quiet area with good reception.  

o Using headphones can also free up your hands. Though I do not recommend the headphones with microphone attached as the clarity drops.

• Calling from a land line is preferred.  

• If you need to use a cell phone, make sure your cell is fully charged.

• Research the company’s website and latest news.  

• Review your resume and the job description 

• Be prepared to speak to what is written on your resume-have your resume in front of you 

• If you can, research the interviewer(s) LinkedIn profiles.


Research Wells Fargo:

• Company website:

• What do they do? What is their mission statement?

• (check their interview questions)

• Who are their competitors?

• Hiring Manager’s LinkedIn Profile: 


Research yourself:

• Review your resume three times TODAY. You need to know what you did without reading it.

• Talk through what you did at each past experience to yourself and note anything you did specifically that is not on your resume

• List your strengths and weaknesses and memorize a few.

• Draft or outline your "Tell me about yourself" response. You need to know it without reading it, not verbatim, but know yourself on a level you can speak and it flows.

• Mine goes along the lines of... Polite hello's, how are you's, "well, thank you" and then into: My most recent position was that of a ________ with (insert company here). One of my top motivators is seeing the positive impact my work has on the candidates I work with. I fully enjoy using my analytical and verbal skills to help other people get jobs….


Practice out loud with someone else multiple times. This is probably the most important thing. If you don't do this, you will regret it 100%. We will practice over the phone before the interview, but it never helps to practice with other people, or animals, in your life.

Typical First Interview Questions:

Everyone likes to make a great first impression. A lot of people go into interviews wanting to come off unique, smarter, and more qualified. Since you got to the phone interview part, it means they already believe you are qualified. It’s now your goal to assure them you’re professional and competent, and your that your personality is agreeable. With that being said, let’s look at some typical job interview questions:

Q: "Have you ever worked with someone difficult?" (A hiring manager is asking you this because they want to know if you will be drama at the workplace. None of us ever get along 100% with everyone we work with, but the good ones always keep it professional at the workplace. 

A: "No, I have not. Perhaps it's because I have been blessed working with great teams, but fortunately, I have not encountered anyone difficult to work with. Demanding? Yes, but given their position and the project at hand, I can understand that. " (They can't refute this. Don't walk into a trap.)

Q: “Tell me a time that you…”

A: Know yourself and your resume. Be able to talk, not read from a list, your past experiences doing anything and everything. Stay positive. Never dip into something remotely negative and always have a positive upturn if the obstacle was challenging. "A project plan changed last minute, but I came up with a solution for our group, we changed our approach and finished the project ahead of time."

Talk this out loud to yourself. Talk about it to your parents, siblings, best friend, pet, just say it out loud or you will regret not doing so.

Q: "Most difficult time in your life?" (Are you going to fold under pressure?)

A: "Switching majors, moving to a new city [short short explanation]." (They can't refute this and it's a dumb question to ask you.)

Q: "Why you?"

A: Play to your strengths and how they align with the job description's requirements.

Q: "Goals?"

A: "Short term: be a part of Wells Fargo doing xyz. Long term: leading a team to (something monumental)." (Note the difference in the two).

Q: "Why Wells Fargo/ financial services industry"

A: "Wells Fargo is the leading financial services company in the United States. Even though it is a prestigious, established company, I still see so much room for growth based on its use of technology. (You may have to bs a little here since if you haven’t worked for Wells Fargo or the financial services industry, you’re not going to know why you really want to work for them. Nothing too long, but actually have an answer, and make it solid.)

Q: "Weaknesses?

A:  "I'm very detail oriented (means you can't have any mistakes on your resume or cover letter), and as such, additional time is required depending upon the task. However, my final products are well thought out, professional, and usually with no errors." (The point is you must end with a positive note, something that overpowers the weakness. Pick a simple weakness, too, like attention to detail requiring time, or making extensive lists that...cover all the potential angles. Always put a positive spin on the weakness.)

Other Tips:

1. Don't be afraid to ask for clarification. Better to ask than to answer the wrong question.

2. Speak slowly. No need to rush. You'll sound more collected.

3. Don't elaborate on any one thing unless they've asked for detail. Be concise, get to the point. Period. If there's a pause, ask if you've answered their question or something to that nature.

4. There are plenty of interview questions out there on Google, but I'd check Glassdoor first and go from there. We will work together also during our prep.

5. I realize this is a phone interview, so you can definitely read off a list of strengths or have canned lines, but it's better to move away from this sooner than later.

6. Don't sell any experience or yourself short. If you did something one time, it's experience. Not "basic" or "some" experience. Wait until they ask you how much experience and then you explain with confidence.

7. Start watching how many times you say "umm" and "uhh" starting right now. Cut those words out of your vocabulary now. Even catching yourself now will help.


If they ask you what you are looking to make please inform them, “ATR has negotiated my rate”. This is because a rate is already established and agreed upon by both us and the client when you are presented and an interview is requested. This rate cannot be changed/negotiated during or after the interview process. 

Ask Questions:

Have some general questions prepared to ask at the END of the interview. Don’t talk money or benefits. Ask questions that pertain to the position and responsibilities of the assignment. Sample questions include:

1. How do you interact with the people on your team? (Weekly report, meetings, etc?)

2. Can you give me a feel of the culture around here?

3. Yes, I have a question. While I did read the job description, how would you describe the best candidate for this position? (Ask this. You know you are; reinforce why you're the things they will mention)

4. What are the next steps? 


After the interview, give me a call within 10 minutes. Hiring managers are making their decision and moving on quickly. Why wait? I need to get your feedback before I talk to the hiring manager asking for their comments and trying to get you an offer or another interview.

 Hi Felix,

It was an absolute pleasure speaking with you today.

I have reviewed your resume and although it is very good, I can suggest a few tweaking that will make it look even better! I have the following suggestions regarding updating your resume, if I may, which I believe will help make it stand out and make it more marketable.

First, please add in a section at the end of each work assignment titled “technical environment”, and list out the databases, operating systems, software, etc., basically ALL technical tools that you have used at each work assignment. (This “technical environment” section should be after the bullet points on your resume that you would write under EACH position title to describe your responsibilities.) Also, please get rid of the “Objective” section – it is considered sort of obsolete now.

Second, add a "use of time" section, where you will give me a rough, big break down of the percentages of time of what you did at each job.

Third, please add sections like project scope, budget, team size, major accomplishments etc. under each role to paint a detailed picture if you have those details. Do NOT worry about the length of the resume. We can always cut it short when necessary.  

Fourth, please write both month and year to indicate the duration of each employment.

Fifth, always use bullet points to describe your major responsibilities,  and always start the bullet points with action verbs. Also, do not use active voice, for example, don’t write: “I actively configured networks” OR “I performed all aspects of planning” OR “I participated as…”. Instead, write these: “successfully configured over 50 networks….” OR “planned, strategized, and executed xyz…” OR “participated in the….” – these are just basic examples.

Action verbs: I am sure you have many action verbs in mind that you would like to use when updating your resume. If you want some variety on that, please feel free to visit: and

Tense: Use present tense for current position, and past tense for all the previous roles. I think you’ve followed this throughout the resume, but please double check for any unnoticed mistakes.

Talk in numbers: Try to quantify your accomplishments as much as you can. For example, a) how much budget you’ve handled – which shows you’ve been entrusted with major financial responsibilities, also, b) if you’ve helped save money, or c) you’ve reduced the time of any process that used to take way more time before you took the project in your hand etc.

I have attached a few sample resumes to explain what kind of format I am talking about.  These are not DBA resumes, but I am sure you’ll get the idea. 

 昨天講到過去二十年 ,那篇三立新聞報導,台灣人根本不移民。最近台灣人要移民加拿大的熱潮是四年前疫情之後才發生的。  其實過去20多年, 不只是沒有台灣人要移民, 也沒有台灣人要留學。造成台灣的許多大學沒有海外歸國留學博士教授新血的補充。國外大學也少了許多台灣留學生。看看這篇 2...