Saturday, August 13, 2022

From Martin

Hi, I am Martin, an UWaterloo ECE student. I have just received a FT offer from Amazon.

It’s been a rollercoaster for the last couple months. I was pretty stressed because of all the rejection letters (around 20+) and peer pressure (many of them have secured a job at FAANG). I tried to reach out and find any possible resources available to help me land a job (this group is one of them, and I have received several suggestions from the seniors in the group). I was just about to give up and focus on school first, and then the good news from Amazon arrived at my mailbox just couple hours ago congratulating me that I have become an Amazonian.

This is also the very first and only offer I have received so far (crazy, right?).

I am lost of words at the moment, but I am open to share my personal experiences for anybody who is looking for a software developer full-time or co-op job. I hope I am able to help!

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